Cachan well France Beneficiary: SEAPFATotal depth: workoverDrilling rig: TW 80Type of contract: Daily Rate BasisContract period: 21.08.2007-05.09.2007
1 Golitza well Bulgaria Beneficiary: Eurodrill LTDTotal depth: 3620 mDrilling rig: F200Type of contract: Daily Rate BasisContract period: 15.04.2007-15.10.2007
GTR1 well Tremblay-en-France, France Beneficiary: SEAPFATotal depth: workoverDrilling rig: TW 80Type of contract: Daily Rate BasisContract period: 06.10.2005-30.11.2005
GESS1 and GESS2 well Epinay-sous-Senart, France Beneficiary: SEAPFATotal depth: workoverDrilling rig: TW 80Type of contract: Daily Rate BasisContract period: 26.08.2004-26.09.2004